08. Work Experiences & Accomplishments

Showcase Successful Work Experiences

The Experience section of your LinkedIn profile should mirror your resume. Ensuring your resume and LinkedIn are consistent will help to build your personal brand.

In our free course on resume writing, we provide detailed guidance on how to describe your work experiences in a way that showcases success. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind for both resumes and LinkedIn profiles:

Be concise.

  • Include only relevant experience.
  • Keep each description to 3 bullet points or less.
  • At least 1 of these bullet points should demonstrate an individual contribution.
  • At least 1 of these bullet points should communicate a project result (success metrics, findings).

Always convey Action, Numbers, Success.

  • Action - Use active verbs to describe what you did.
  • Numbers - Quantify your accomplishments.
  • Success - Define each experience in terms of what you learned or achieved.

Order matters.

Make sure that your most relevant and most recent experience appears at the top of your profile.


You can adapt the "Accomplishments" section of your LinkedIn profile to a wide variety of work experiences and achievements. For example, the "Accomplishments" section for "Projects" is an excellent place to showcase your Udacity projects! You can also list the Udacity courses you have taken in the "Accomplishments" section for "Courses."

When describing your projects be sure to include the specific technical skills you learned relevant to your target field. Think about the parts of your Udacity projects that you are most proud of and frame them as successes in your project description. Here are a couple good examples from Udacity alums:

Kristin, Virtual Reality Developer Nanodegree Program Alum -
Notice how Kristin uses the project section to showcase the technologies she has worked with (i.e. Unity, Oculus Rift). She also provides links to visuals for each project, so that it's easy for recruiters and connections to dive deeper into a project that piques their curiosity.

Michael, Self Driving Car Nanodegree Program Alum -
Notice how Michael uses the "Projects" section to include more details about his experience with autonomous vehicles, and highlights his use of particular models like convolutional neural networks.